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Chloe Star’s New Intense and Heartfelt Single, ‘Wasted Youth’

Written By:
Cora Perkins
Photography By:
March 22, 2024

Chloe Star, a rising alternative-pop artist, has released a powerful new single entitled “Wasted Youth.”  The song hits you in the stomach with intense emotions and leaves you clutching your chest and wanting to scream.  Lasting roughly two minutes and 30 seconds, the anthemic song talks about Star’s experience in a wilderness treatment program and how it affected her.  

The song starts relatively softly, with groovy guitars guiding you to the mighty melody that comes into play shortly after the beginning.  The drums introduce themselves quickly, beating in your ears, your head and your chest.  The addition of the drums builds up the energy and mixes with the rest of the dynamic melody to create something ever more powerful.  

As the song progresses, it becomes even more energetic, with heavy-hitting drums and feverish guitar riffs.  The heartfelt and impassioned vocals combined with the harrowing lyrics fashion a beautiful anthem that makes you want to sing (or scream) along.  

Chloe Star’s “Wasted Youth” is a captivating and heartfelt song that gives you goosebumps the second it plays and makes your heart feel like it’ll beat out of your chest.  The new single is available on all streaming platforms now. 

about the author

Cora Perkins
