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REVIEW: Softcult Expose Corportate Greed Through Their Passionate New Single "Drain"

Written By:
Autumn Martin
Photography By:
November 2, 2022

On November 2nd, Softcult released their newest single “Drain”, another single that is an absolute banger of a song. This band has always been consistent in delivering quality music ignited by their passion and beliefs, and “Drain” is no different. Their unique mix of grunge and shoegaze continues in this song about corporate greed involved in the social and political climate.

The lyrics “why should we dare to live forever if nobody wants to change for the better” sums up the message of the song, and reasoning for a lot of what this band does. Softcult are a twin-sibling duo from Ontario, Canada who takes on a Riot-Grrl approach when it comes to making music and their part within the alternative scene.

The duo are Phoenix and Mercedes Arn-Horn, and they are all about DIY culture when it comes to everything behind making music themselves. Not only do they both write exceptionally powerful, intimate lyrics but Phoenix does production, engineering, and artwork, and Mercedes does the directing and editing of videos. They even create/produce their own zine, SCripture, where they address important topics, much like what they’ve done with their single “Drain”. Vocalist/guitarist Mercedes has put this song’s message into words so passionately by saying.

"Drain is about the shameless greed of corporations and government officials that fuels the climate crisis. It’s disgusting how making a profit is a higher priority for those in power than a sustainable environment. Seeing hollow shows of performative “action” from these world leaders and multi-million dollar companies that don’t offer any actual solutions just adds to my frustration, because it feels like we’re being manipulated and lied to in the most disgustingly condescending way. There are people out there who could end world hunger right now in exchange for 10% less of their billions. There are legislations that could reverse climate change in time to save this dying planet and spare future generations a pretty horrific existence. But these bloated fucking dragons would rather die hoarding more wealth than they could ever spend in a lifetime than part with a little to help save the world. To think these billionaires actually give a shit about us or our quality of life is just naive. So because of the one percent’s greed, their legacy will be our eventual extinction.”

“Drain'' has amazing alt/grungy guitar riffs with great vocal melodies singing about a very important message. The screeching guitar and loud, abrasive drums under their pretty voices is exactly what is needed to convey their stance on greed of corporations. It’s hard-hitting, yet so serious.

Softcult really has the perfect qualities of the post-pop/pop rock scene, and their gothy, emo aesthetic pulls them close into the alternative rock scene, as well. It’s hard to pinpoint one specific genre in their music, and that diversity is why they have quickly grown a fanbase because they appeal to so many. Their career has been short, but they have already made quite the impact in the music scene.

Their next EP comes out in May of next year, and it is one to look forward to.

about the author

Autumn Martin

Binghamton, NY